


Sunday, 5 February 2012

The Meaning of Kalma Tayyaba

Everyone knows that muslims are being oppressed for hundreds of years around the world and what is happening in Palastine, Kashmir, Iraq, Afghanistan, Chechnya, Bosnia, East Turkestan etc. Muslims are suffering in every part of world in different ways. Today blood of a muslim has no value. There are 1.5 billion muslims on the face of earth but they have no respect anywhere. On the other hand Media of jews is making fun of Islam and Muslims but no one can stop the falsa propaganda of media against Islam. Everywhere muslims are being oppressed, muslims are suffering but no Salahudin Ayubi, no Tariq bin Ziyad, no Mohammad Bin Qasim comes to help this Ummah of Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him.
Allama Iqbal described the prayer of Tariq ibn e Ziyad in the Battlefield of Andalusia in his poetry.
These warriors, victorious, These worshippers of Thine,
Whom Thou hast granted the will to win power in Thy name;
Who cleave rivers and woods in twain,
Whose terror turns mountains into dust;
They care not for the world;
They care not for its pleasures;
In their passion, in their zeal, In their love for Thee, O Lord,
They aim at martyrdom, Not the rule of the earth.
In the flower-bed, Rose is waiting from long time
The Color from Arabs' blood
Thou hast united warring tribes,
In thought, in deed, in prayer.
The burning fire that life had sought For centuries,
Was found in them at last.
They think of death, not as life’s end,
But as the ennobling of the heart.
Make alive in the heart of a Muslim again
That Power the slogan 'My Lord! Leave not one of the disbelievers' had.

La-Tazar (Verse 26 of Surah Nuh- No. 71 - Quran)
Awaken in them an iron will,
And make their eye a sharpened sword.
Every muslim is worried to think that why this beloved Ummah of Prophet Mohammd peace be upon him is so helpless today? Why Muslims have lost their respect? Why disbelievers have overcome the believers? When muslims believes that There is no God but Allah, and Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him is the last and final messanger of Allah.
There is no God but Allah, and Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him is the messanger of God.
This Kalma was the reason of Islamic Revolution which came in the land of Arab 1400 years ago. This Kalma was the golden secret of success of muslims of that time. They were together regardless of any difference of race colour and language. They spread the light of teachings of ALLAH and His Messanger Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him around the world. Today we also recite this kalma but we are unable to resist slavery of Kufar. To know the reason we have to understand first the meaning of Kalma Tayabba that is "There is no God but Allah, and Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him is the messanger of God." Without understanding the meaning of this Kalma no one can claim to be a true believer but after repeating this Kalma he is entered in Islam.
Allama Iqbal says,
If angelic art and celestial lore
The ills of Muslims can not cure,
Worthless they are and of no use,
Of fact so true you must be sure.
Your reveries deep and rapture sweet,
Your worship at the midst of night,
If fail to keep a watch on self,
Are useless quite and have value slight.
The intellect can cast its noose
On the Pleiades and the Moon;
If heart is bʹreft of love for God,
It is not a worthy gift and boon.
If wit incites a man to say
No God but Heʺ it brings no gain:
It. has no worth at all I think,
Unless affirmed by heart and brain.
No wonder great that my discourse
With distraction unbound is fraught:
If it wonʹt spread like rays of morn,
It means such talk has value naught!

Allah says in Quran, Chapter 49, Al Hujrat, Verse 14
"The wandering Arabs say: We believe. Say (unto them, O Muhammad): Ye believe not, but rather say "We submit," for the faith hath not yet entered into your hearts."
Only repeating the Kalma by tongue does not complete the faith but acting upon this Kalma by heart is the sign of complete faith. And when someone understand the meaning of this Kalma, he tries to submit his total will to the will of God. When someone submits his will to the will of God he has no fear of anyone other than God. He does not bow in front of anyone else. He asks only Allah for help.
To understand the real meaning of Kalma we should know first that there are two parts of Kalma Tayyaba.
1- There is no God but Allah
2- Mohammad peace be upon him is the messanger of Allah
As usual the meaning of first part is taken as that just not worship the idols, sun and stars. But actually this part has vast meaning. For someone to believe in the onnenss of Allah it is necessary to submit his total will to the will of God.
Allah says in Quran, Chapter 25, Al Furqan, Verse 43
"Hast thou seen him who chooseth for his god his own lust? Wouldst thou then be guardian over him?"
Who chooseth for his god his own lust is like that a man who worship himself. (i.e is follow the orders of his own will). We should see on ourselves that do we follow the orders of Allah in every matter or follow the orders of our own will? If someone is doing this he can not claims to be true believer unless he seeks complete guidance from the word of God (Quran). For such kind of person there is a need to understand the meaning of Kalma. For jews and christians Allah says in Quran, Chapter 9, Al Tauba, Verse 31
"They have taken as lords beside Allah their rabbis and their monks and the Messiah son of Mary, when they were bidden to worship only One God."
Today, do we not doing the same thing as jews and christians did? Do we not commit shirk by giving Authority of making Laws to our Parliment? This shirk damages our Tauheed (i.e to believe in onness of Allah) directly.
Allah says in Quran, Chapter 12, Yusuf, Verse 67
"Lo! the decision rests with Allah only."
Allah says in Quran, Chapter 4, Al Nisa, Verse 48
"Lo! Allah forgiveth not that a partner should be ascribed unto Him. He forgiveth (all) save that to whom He will."
The first part of kalma demands from us to believe in that Allah is enough for us. No Super Power can harm us without the permission of Supreme Power (i.e Allah). He is alone and has no partners.
The second part of Kalma is that "Mohammad peace be upon him is the messanger of Allah." Whoever claims to be a muslim he has to follow the teachings of Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him also. Because Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him is the messanger of Allah.
Allah says in Quran, Chapter 53, Al Najam, Verse 3,4
"Nor doth he speak of (his own) desire. It is naught save an inspiration that is inspired,"
The book Quran was revealed by Almighty God on Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him for the guidance of humanity. When we make it compulsory to follow the teachings of Prophet Mohammd peace be upon him on ourselves in every matter, then there is no need of Adam Smith for the guidance in our Economical issues or to listen the Karl Marx.The second part of Kalma demands from us to follow Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him in every dispute.
This is our first obligation to implement the Economical, Judiciary and Political System of Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him in our society. This is our duty to spread this message to the other people. If we do not so, we will be sinful in the sight of Allah.
Allah says in Quran, Chapter 59, Al Hashar, Verse 7
"When the Prophet (SAWS) gives you something, take it and when he refrains you from anything, keep yourselves away from it."
Where Prophet peace be upon him orders us to do something we should do it and where Prophet peace be upon him refrains us from anything, we should keep ourselves away from it.
O Muslims! you have to feel the importance of this obligation to implement the laws of Sharia'a in your society. If you want to become succeed you have to obey the orders of Allah and Prophet Mohammad peace be upon him. You have to throw out the fear of anyone else from your hearts. Do strive with your wealth and lives in Allah's way. Allah's succour and Victory will come soon Insha'allah. Allah will sent down the angels for your help as he sent his angels in the battlefield of Badar. We have to conquer the world. We have to spread the message of peace throught the world. We have to make this earth peaceful land for everyone. We have to spread the message of Islam.

By Qamar Uz Zaman Mustafvi

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